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Most Idaho sportsmen take great pride in their comprehensive knowledge of hunting and fishing lore, but there is one basic rule that many have either "forgotten" or have simply never known. According to Idaho Code, . . . "all sportsmen must stop at Fish and Game check stations." The law does not say, “successful sportsmen,” it says, “all sportsmen.” Each year, many sportsmen fail to stop at check stations because they were not successful on that specific trip. They see the signs, but think they do not apply and keep heading down the road. Technically, they are breaking the law and may be issued a misdemeanor citation if apprehended.Sportsmen are reminded that the Department runs two types of check stations— wildlife management check stations and impromptu enforcement check stations. Both types of check stations are important, and sportsmen must heed all signs relating to these stations. Management check stations usually rely on voluntary compliance from sportsmen, but are often neglected by sportsmen in a hurry to get home. It is important that hunters stop and give biologists information relating to the hunting trip. According to Regional Wildlife Biologist Dave Koehler, “The check stations give us the opportunity to talk to hunters and get a feel about harvests and hunter distribution. We also get a hands-on chance to measure the condition of animals as they head into the winter and to collect other important biological information.” Sportsmen driving on smaller roads may also encounter impromptu check stations that stop all vehicles and divert hunters or anglers aside to answer additional questions. Conservation Officers can set up check stations at any time of the day or night, for a period of two to six hours. Sportsmen are also reminded that in areas where the department has received complaints of spotlighting or other game violations, Conservation Officers will be placing taxidermy specimens of deer, elk, and other game species. The use of such tools has aided officers in helping slow down illegal activities. Recently, SWs (Simulated Wildlife) were given some real teeth. In the past, Idaho Code only provided penalties for violations that occurred in the commission of illegally shooting a SW, such as spotlighting or shooting across the road. Now a statute and penalty exists specifically pertaining to shooting an SW. Sportsmen who come across one of these faux animals should have little worry of committing a faux pas if they are following the regulations. Sportsmen looking for answers to questions about regulations or seasons can contact the regional IDFG office.

Uploaded: 10/16/1999