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The North Dakota Game and Fish Department has received numerous inquiries about non-toxic shot requirements while hunting in North Dakota. The confusion pertains to state and federal lands. Non-toxic shot is required for hunting upland game birds on all U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lands, including national wildlife refuges open to hunting and waterfowl production areas. It is not required for upland bird hunting on state wildlife management areas, state school land, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation land, or U.S. Forest Service lands. Possession or use of shot other than federally approved non-toxic shot is prohibited while hunting ducks, geese, sandhill cranes, snipe, mergansers, and coot statewide. Six types of shot are approved for this year by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: bismuth-tin, steel, tin, tungsten-iron, tungsten-matrix, and tungsten-polymer.

Uploaded: 10/16/1999