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California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) Director Robert C. Hight applauded the Legislature and Gov. Gray Davis for approving the 1999-2000 Budget for the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) in the amount of more than $216 million. {"The Department made some significant gains in several areas, especially regarding the addition of wardens, tools to implement the Marine Life Management Act, and for Timber Harvest Plan enforcement,{" Hight said. {"As a result, fishing opportunities will be expanded, the Salmon Restoration Program will continue, and review of streambed alteration agreements and suction dredging permits will be funded.{" Highlights of the significant Budget Change Proposals, Finance Letters and legislative additions for DFG included in the budget are as follows: Maintain and expand fishing opportunities by expanding the Department{"s urban fishing programs in the amount of approximately $4 million. Provide for improved protection of the State{"s lakes and streams by funding the necessary staff to review environmental documents for Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements and Suction Dredging Permits in the amount of about $2.5 million. Continued funding of the Department{"s Salmon Restoration Program for two years in the amount of $878,000. Implement the Marine Life Management Act of 1998 in the amount of $5.2 million to include new biologists and wardens. Enhance enforcement of Timber Harvest Plans in the North Coast in the amount of $3 million. Increase the number of Fish and Game Wardens by 10 for routine patrol. Recover Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep in the amount $1.14 million. Provide local assistance grants to local jurisdictions to acquire and manage land to implement Natural Community Conservation Plans in Southern California and to continue to fund staff support for this program. {"These budget enhancements will allow DFG to continue its hunting and fishing programs as well as to provide for improved environmental protection of the habitats that are critical to the success of all fish and wildlife species,{" Hight said.

Uploaded: 7/27/1999