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JASPER - A festival centered around a statewide drawing for the annual Arkansas elk hunt permits is expected to bring more than 5,000 visitors to this Newton County town July 30, 31 and Aug. 1. The Buffalo River Elk Festival, which premiered last year, celebrates the restoration of elk to the region. Once native to the Ozarks, elk were reintroduced near the Buffalo National River beginning in 1981 and the herd has grown to about 450 animals. The first festival attracted national attention and received the Natural State Award for excellence in tourism development during the Arkansas Governor’s Conference on Tourism in March. This year’s activities get underway July 29 with the crowning of Miss Buffalo River Elk Festival. Friday and Saturday will bring a sports equipment show, arts and crafts fair, the state championship elk calling contest, children’s fishing derby, parade, entertainment, dances, Dutch oven cook-off, elk hunting seminars, and the elk permit drawing conducted by the state Game and Fish Commission. More than 15,000 in-state hunters applied for 20 permits last season. A special treat for the winner of the youth division of the elk calling contest will be a possible appearance on the Nickelodeon cable television show "Figure It out." On Sunday, the festival will include an old-time brush arbor church service during the morning and gospel singing in the afternoon. The Jasper/Newton County Chamber of Commerce sponsors the event in cooperation with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. For more information, contact the festival committee at (870) 446-2693.

Uploaded: 7/22/1999