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North Dakota^s moose, elk and bighorn sheep hunters had a successful 1999 season. Harvest statistics released by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department show overall hunter success was 90 percent for moose, 57 percent for elk and 100 percent for bighorn sheep. The department issued 126 moose licenses last year. Of that total, 113 hunters were successful, taking 80 bulls, 26 cows and seven calves. Harvest for each unit follows: Unit Licenses Harvest M1C 15 6 bulls, 4 cows M4 40 22 bulls, 10 cows, 5 calves M5 8 8 bulls M6 15 12 bulls, 3 cows M7 7 4 bulls, 1 cow M8 21 17 bulls, 2 cows, 1 calf M9 20 11 bulls, 6 cows, 1 calf Of 167 elk licenses issued last year, 94 hunters were successful harvesting 44 bulls, 37 cows and 13 calves. Harvest for each unit follows: Unit Licenses Harvest E1 30 4 bulls, 10 cows, 3 calves E2 64 13 bulls, 14 cows, 6 calves E3 14 8 bulls E4 59 19 bulls, 13 cows, 4 calves One bighorn sheep unit was open in 1999. Four licenses were issued in Unit B4 and all hunters tagged adult rams.

Uploaded: 7/19/2000