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Annapolis, MD - Much needed rains pushed across the state, then the skies cleared for the opening day of Maryland^s Firearm Deer Season. More than 78,000 deer hunters took advantage of the clearing skies this past Saturday and ventured into Maryland^s woodlands and fields in pursuit of white-tailed and sika deer. The opening day preliminary deer harvest was 16,181 which is down slightly from last season^s opening day total of 16,449. The 1999 official two week firearm season total is expected to be similar to 1998^s total of 39,373 deer. The ten counties with the highest preliminary opening day deer totals are: Washington (1,608); Frederick (1,496); Allegany (1,480); Carroll (1,246); Garrett (1,167); Dorchester (993); Kent (916); Talbot (772); Worcester (635); Wicomico (564). Because hunters can check their deer in counties adjacent to where it was shot, these numbers may change when the final tally is released. The Maryland Firearm Deer Season continues through Dec. 11. For complete information concerning Firearm Deer Season and other hunting regulations consult the publication Hunting & Trapping in Maryland 1999-2000 or call (877)620-8DNR ext. 8540. This publication is available at all DNR Service Centers, is issued to hunters when they purchase a 1999-2000 Maryland hunting license or can be found via the DNR website at:

Uploaded: 12/4/1999