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Hunting license fees contribute millions of dollars each year to wildlife and habitat conservation. In Virginia, hunting license fees alone generate more than $11 million for the Department^s conservation efforts to manage populations and habitats for all wildlife including non-game and game species. Nationwide, sportsmen and sportswomen contribute billions of dollars for wildlife conservation through license fees, special taxes on equipment, and donations to conservation organizations. In addition to financial contributions, Virginia hunters have contributed more than 3 million ¼-pound portions of venison through the Hunters for the Hungry program. By donating deer, hunters are providing nutritious meat, free of chemicals, to supplement the diets of the poor. In 1998, more than 156,000 pounds - or more than 600,000 portions - of venison were made available to those in need. To find out more about the Hunters for the Hungry program contact 1-800-352-HUNT or check out their web site at (Information: Julia Dixon Smith, 804-367-0991)

Uploaded: 11/24/1999