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This is a summary of some of the most significant regulation changes adopted by the Alaska Board of Game during the past year. This is NOT designed to be a substitute for the 1999-2000 regulations book, No. 40, which is online and available now at hunting license vendors and ADF&G offices around Alaska. It is important to check the new regulations book before going afield. BISON Created two new drawing bison hunts in Units 11 and 13. CARIBOU Shortened the Tier II caribou hunt in Unit 13 by 10 days, starting Aug. 10 instead of Aug. 1; changed bag limit from one bull to one caribou; eliminated Tier I hunt. Extended the season for the caribou drawing hunt in the Kenai Mountains in Unit 7 to Aug. 10- Dec. 31, and increased number of permits. Created a new drawing permit hunt, two-cow-caribou bag limit in Killey River, Unit 15B East, season Aug. 10-Oct. 10. Reduced caribou bag limit for both resident and nonresident hunters in 9A and portion of 9C (Alagnak River drainage) from four caribou to one, season Aug. 1-Mar. 31. Established Tier II caribou hunt in remainder of 9C, and Unit 9E; one caribou by Tier II permit, season in 9C Aug. 10- Sept. 20 and Nov. 15-Feb. 28, in 9E Aug. 10- Sept. 20 and Nov. 1-April 30. Opened resident general season in Unit 9D for one caribou Sept. 1-20 or Nov. 15-March 31, and nonresident registration hunt for one bull Sept. 10-25. DEER Increased resident bag limit in Unit 6 from four deer to five. MOOSE Extended fall moose hunts (general season and drawing) in Units 14A, B, and remainder of 14C and 16A from Sept. 20 to Sept. 25; shortened the winter spike-fork hunt in the same areas by starting them Dec. 5 instead of Nov. 20. Shortened moose season in Unit 13, opening Sept. 1 instead of Aug. 20; changed Tier II season dates to Aug. 15-31. Created new spike-fork/ 50-inch drawing permit hunt in portions of Units 7 and Unit 15, Oct. 20-Nov. 20. Changed antlerless moose season in Unit 15C to coincide with the general season, Aug 20-Sept. 20. Opened registration hunt for any moose on Kalgin Island, Aug. 20-Sept. 30. Changed winter moose hunt in Unit 9B and portion of 9C to Dec. 15-Jan. 15. Established archery-only spike-fork/50-inch bull hunt Aug. 10-17 in Unit 15B West. Established new drawing permit hunt for bull moose in Unit 9D, residents only, Dec. 15-Jan. 20. Extended winter resident moose season in 9E from Dec. 31 to Jan. 20 and added spike-fork bull to legal bag limit. Extended the registration archery hunt in the Eklutna Lake Management Area from Sept. 30 to October 20. BROWN BEAR Extended fall brown bear season in Unit 9B (starts Sept. 20 instead of Oct. 1), and Units 9C, D, and E (starts Oct. 1 instead of Oct.7). Extended the spring brown bear season in Unit 13 from May 31 to June 15. Eliminated the spring brown bear hunt in Units 7 and 15. Extended brown bear season in Unit 16B, starting Aug. 10 instead of Sept. 1. BLACK BEAR Extended black bear baiting season in Unit 16B to June 30. SHEEP Established full curl or ewe drawing permit hunt in Crescent Lake Area in Unit 7, Aug. 10-Sept.20. GROUSE Reduced bag limit for spruce grouse on the Kenai Peninsula (Units 7 and 15) to 10 per day/20 in possession with 1 per day/2 in possession for ruffed grouse. MISCELLANEOUS Opened Clearwater Controlled Use Area March 15-April 30 for hunting brown bears, wolves and small game. Required all muzzleloaders in restricted hunts in Unit 14C to complete certification course.

Uploaded: 10/7/1999