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Every year some hunters find themselves between the proverbial rock and a hard place by not reading, understanding and adhering to the provisions of Rule 12-4-305 that is located on page 72 of the 1999-2000 Hunt Regulations Booklet, said Arizona Game and Fish Department officials. R12-4-305 governs the possession, transportation and evidence of legality of game taken in Arizona. "The most common infraction of R-12-4-305 we see is transporting a cow elk carcass without a head," commented Flagstaff regional supervisor Tom Britt. "Hunters should note that in all cases the head of an elk must accompany the carcass to its final destination, which can be the hunters permanent home, commercial processing plant (meat cutter) or the place where the wildlife is to be consumed. It does not have to be attached to the carcass. Remember that the head is one form of proof of legality," added Britt. This same rule applies to quail and migratory birds such as ducks and dove. In the case of birds, a fully feathered wing must be attached. With antlered or horned wildlife (e.g. bull elk, buck deer, buck antelope and bighorn ram), the antlers or horns must also accompany the carcass. Again, they do not have to be attached to the carcass. Hunters who desire to have someone else transport their big game should be familiar with paragraph C of R-12-4-305. It indicates what is required to assign a big game carcass for transport by another. It all may seem complex, but the rule was designed to curb the unlawful possession and transport of wildlife. When contemplating what to do about wildlife possession or transport, keep in mind this advice: You took it lawfully so you want to do all that is necessary to make it plainly visible it was legally taken and is not possessed and/or transported unlawfully. "We are warning hunters about this rule to avoid circumstances where an officer has to seize a hunters^ game because they can^t prove it was legally taken," said Britt. Please contact an Arizona Game and Fish Department Office or consult the 1999-2000 Arizona Hunting Regulations if you have any further questions.

Uploaded: 9/22/1999