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The S.C. Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with Santee Cooper will be conducting youth deer hunts on the North Dike and Halls Wildlife Management Areas in northern Berkeley County October through December. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 17. For an application or more information, contact the Dennis Wildlife Center at (843) 825-3388 or (843) 761-8820. Hunt dates will be Oct. 1, 15 and 30; Nov. 13 and 24; and Dec. 22 and 29. Youth deer hunts will be held on the North Dike and Sandy Beach portions of the Moultrie Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and on the Cross Generating Station portion of the Halls WMA. These youth hunts, held in the afternoon, will be conducted after the deer hunting season has closed on the North Dike WMA and on areas not open to the public on the Halls WMA. "Santee Cooper and the DNR were so pleased with the enthusiasm exhibited by last year^s participants that the number of hunts and hunting areas have been expanded," said Sam Chappelear, DNR wildlife biologist stationed at the Dennis Wildlife Center in Bonneau. "The adults enjoyed spending quality time with the young hunters as much as the youth enjoyed the actual hunt. Harvesting a deer seemed to be secondary to the outdoor experience that took place in the stand between the youth and the adult." Participants must be between the ages of 10 and 17 and must be accompanied by an adult 21 years or older. There is no application fee and no license requirements except those 16 and 17 years of age (must have a junior sportsman license and a hunter education certificate). Adults accompanying youth participants need not have a license nor are they allowed to carry a weapon or hunt. Weapons will be limited to center-fire rifles only. After all applications are received, a random drawing will be held to select participants as well as dates and hunting location. Selected participants will be notified by mail about date, time and hunting location. Transportation to and from the meeting site is the responsibility of the applicant. Following a brief refresher course on firearms and hunting safety, each participant will draw for stands. The youth hunters will then be transported to their specific hunt site where they will hunt from a large elevated stand.

Uploaded: 8/22/1999