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Recent legislation has authorized the design of new speciality fish and wildlife license plates in Tennessee. Just like the popular bluebird plate, each of these new plates will cost $25 above the regular cost of registering your vehicle. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these plates will go toward the management and protection of Tennessee^s wildlife (both game and non-game species) and their habitats. The "Watchable Wildlife" plate--the familiar bluebird--will still be available and proceeds from that plate will continue to go into an endowment fund for the management of Tennessee^s non-game and endangered wildlife. The new plates are designed to give people more choices as well as allow individuals to support wildlife programs other than non-game. PROCEDURES FOR GETTING THE NEW PLATES The law requires that a minimum of 500 plates of each design be "pre-sold" before the plate can be produced. We are in the process of getting commitments for that minimum order of 500 for each plate, although we hope that thousands of these new plates will be sold over the next several months. If you are interested in purchasing one or more plates, simply complete the application form (click below to view license plates and application form) and return it along with $25 for each plate ordered to the address shown. Once the minimum numbers have been pre-sold, the plates will be manufactured and shipped to County Clerk offices (see Note* below). You will be notified when the plates have been shipped and you will be able to pick them up at the County Clerk Office in the county where you live. It will take several weeks to manufacture the plates after the minimum number have been sold so it will probably be several months before you are notified. You will have to pay the other registration fees normally associated with registering your vehicle when you pick up your new plate. Please make your check payable to TWRA-License Plate and return it with your completed order form to the address indicated. WHY YOU SHOULD "PRE-ORDER" A WILDLIFE PLATE NOW Unless 500 people indicate they will buy the new plates, these special plates will not be produced. You can show your support for Tennessee^s wildlife programs by helping guarantee these new plates will be produced. People who pre-order will be assigned plates first so this is a way for you to get a plate with a low number. We cannot guarantee a specific number to any purchaser. *NOTE: If for some reason we do not sell the minimum number of plates by December 31, 1999, you will be notified and your money will be refunded. New Wildlife License Plate Designs and Application Form

Uploaded: 7/29/1999