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Unique to the state and the Southeast, the fish lift at St. Stephen dam affords safe passage for fish migrating upstream to spawn and permits visitors a close-up, underwater view through a glass window March 15 through April 15. The fish lift is located at the St. Stephen Powerhouse on the Rediversion Canal in Berkeley County. "The fish lift operates on the same principle as the navigation locks that let boats pass through dams," said Doug Cooke, a fisheries biologist with the Freshwater Fisheries Section of the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR). "It allows migratory fish like American shad and blueback herring to move from the Santee River to lakes Moultrie and Marion and into the Congaree and Wateree rivers during their seasonal migration. "This opens large areas of spawning and nursery grounds allowing fish populations to expand in numbers," Cooke said. "These fish provide recreational and commercial fishing opportunities as well as a primary food source for game fish such as Santee Cooper striped bass." The lift can transport thousands of fish over the dam daily, and a viewing window gives visitors a unique underwater view of fish migration while allowing biologists to monitor fish passage into the lakes. The fish lift is open to visitors from March 15 through April 15. However, the facility may temporarily close in case of mechanical problems or natural events that cause the fish to stop migrating. Visitors are advised to call the DNR^s Dennis Wildlife Center in Bonneau at (843) 825-3387 to confirm that the facility is in operation. Visitors are also reminded that fish migration is a natural phenomenon, and is subject to changing environmental conditions including water discharge, which is low this year as a result of the drought. Therefore, passage of fish at a specific time cannot be guaranteed. The fish lift is open to the public, as well as school, church, civic and other groups. Guided tours are available for groups; however, reservations must be made. Natural resources staff will explain the lift operation and its importance to fishery resource conservation. For more information or to make reservations for group tours, contact the S.C. Department of Natural Resources at (843) 825-3387. To reach the fish lift, which is built into St. Stephen Dam, visitors traveling from Charleston and I-26 can take US 52 north through St. Stephen. About one mile beyond the town, turn right at the sign to St. Stephen Fish Lift. Ample parking is available in the visitors parking area. #

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