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A new size limit for largemouth bass took effect recently on Lake Wylie and several other state waters. The South Carolina General Assembly passed regulations which would prohibit the harvest of bass less than 12 inches in total length on lakes Wylie, Moultrie and Marion. According to S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) district fisheries biologist Dick Christie, the North Carolina and South Carolina natural resources agencies are trying to standardize the bass fishing regulations for Lake Wylie to benefit the angler. The South Carolina side of Lake Wylie is in York County. Currently, fishing regulations on the lake differ depending on whether you are in North or South Carolina. North Carolina currently has a five-fish creel limit for largemouth bass. To standardize the regulations between the two states, a 12-inch size limit and a five-fish creel limit for largemouth bass is needed for South Carolina waters. Then, "North Carolina would need only to change their size limit from 14 inches to 12 inches, and the regulations for bass would be standardized for the entire lake," Christie said. Somewhere in the legislative process, the five-fish creel limit for Lake Wylie was dropped, so plans are being made to request that change in the upcoming 2001 legislative session. Although the 12-inch size limit officially took effect in November, DNR conservation officers will be issuing warnings for the remainder of the fiscal year. "Possessing a largemouth bass less than twelve inches in length could result in a fine of as much as $125, and we recognize that it will take some time for the word to spread," said DNR Capt. David Yongue.

Uploaded: 12/21/2000