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Arizona Game and Fish Department personnel will salvage fish from Cortez Lake, located at 35th Avenue and Dunlap, starting at 8 a.m., Friday July 28 in cooperation with the City of Phoenix’s Cortez Lake revitalization project. Eric Swanson, Game and Fish Department Urban Fisheries program manager, said the department is providing technical and management support for the renovation and revitalization of the lake. Additionally, Game and Fish will put $10,000 worth of fish habitat and rock materials into the project. Swanson said the bluegill, largemouth bass, channel catfish and gold fish will be rescued from the lake Friday morning during the final stages of draining. After the pond is rebuilt and filled in about three months, it will be restocked with fish by the department. Part of the revitalization improvements include digging the lake four feet deeper, making the banks steeper, resealing the bottom, and installing fish habitat features and an aeration system. The City of Phoenix is using funds from a citizens’ initiative to make the improvements.

Uploaded: 7/27/2000