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Dangerous Crossroads
Global environmental trends have reached dangerous crossroads as the new century begins. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Black Bears
Learn about one of the largest mammals in North America - and tips on bear safety. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Asian Lady Beetles
New research may show way to effectively control the multicolored insects. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Space Station Benefits
The International Space Station benefits everyone on the planet Earth! - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Why is the Ocean Salty?
Some of Earth's waters are salty and others are not. Find out why. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Factsheet on the highly communicable viral disease of cattle and swine. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Biomass Energy
The oldest source of renewable energy. Learn why it's an attractive energy source. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
U.S. Proposal for CITES
Final U.S. proposal for the April 10-20, 2000 Kenya CITES Conference. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Water Everywhere...
Interesting facts about water, a precious resource. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Wind Energy
Why your community should consider wind energy as a source of electricity. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Nuisance Bears
To change the behaviour of bears, we must first change our own. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Release of the Madtom
Success for this small and extremely endangered fish. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Armadillos, Possums and Pavement
Many armadillos and opossums meet their fate on roads - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Along Came a Spider...
Spiders are extremely beneficial to our environment - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Mississippi's Alligators
Observe and enjoy, but always follow the alligator safety rules - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Arctic Refuge Snow Geese
To snow geese, the Arctic Refuge is a a very important place. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Earthquake Facts
Information about earthquakes: causes, faults, occurrences, and magnitude. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Wolves in North America
A brief look at the history and presence of wolves across America. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |
Recycling Fundraiser Program
How to recycle inkjet cartridges into profit for your organization. - Uploader: Joe Reynolds |